Crisis’ Representations
Edited by Christiana Constantopoulou -
Gender Inequality in Latin America
Edited by Claudia Maldonado-Erazo and Pablo Quiñonez -
by Thomas Becker and Linda Farthing -
Introduction to Africana Demography
Edited by Lori Latrice Martin -
Resignation and Ecstasy: The Moral Geometry of Collective Self-Destruction
Las Réplicas del Desastre
Edited by Yarimar Bonilla and Marisol LeBrón -
There Are Trans People Here
by H. Melt -
To Govern the Globe
Palestine Speaks
Edited by Mateo Hoke and Cate Malek -
Patriot Acts
Edited by Alia Malek -
The Dialectics of Capital (volume 1)
The Dialectics of Capital (volume 2)
Public Purpose
Bread and Beauty
Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci
Growth and Change in Neoliberal Capitalism
The Ideological Condition
Red Banners, Books and Beer Mugs
Subjectivation and Cohesion
by Sonja Buckel -
Repair: Redeeming the Promise of Abolition
I Remember Death By Its Proximity to What I Love
Social Welfare Responses in a Neoliberal Era
Edited by Cory Blad and Mia Arp Fallov -
Unheard Voices of the Pandemic
Edited by Dao X. Tran