Books for changing the world

Haymarket at Socialism 2023!

Join Haymarket Books for the Socialism Conference, September 1-4 in Chicago, and participate in four days of socialist politics, ideas, and community. You'll also be able to browse the conference's radical pop-up bookstore, which will feature thousands of indispensable and inspiring books, including many Haymarket titles!

We've put together a reading list of books written by some of the many thinkers, writers, and activists who will be speaking at Socialism 2023, all 40% Off as part of our Summer of Struggle sale!

Check out the full conference schedule and register today!

Hear from Abolition. Feminism. Now. coauthors Angela Y. Davis, Gina Dent, Erica R. Meiners, and Beth E. Richie at the opening plenary of Socialism 2023.

This timely, urgent book from one of our most influential thinkers offers a bracing positive shock of its own, helping us understand just how we got here, and how we can, collectively, come together and heal.

Hear from Naomi Klein at the Sunday evening plenary at Socialism 2023: The Conspiracy is Capitalism: Making Sense of the Paranoid Right—and the Tasks of the Left.

Edited by Colin Kaepernick, Robin D.G. Kelley, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Our History Has Always Been Contraband brings together canonical texts and authors in Black Studies.

Hear from Robin D.G. Kelley at: Abolition Communism and The Poetics of Social Movements.

FORTHCOMING: pre-order here. Inspired by the cleansing water often used in spiritual baths, Florida Water is an ode to the myriad ways a poem can rinse, reflect, reveal, and unravel us. 

Hear from aja monet at The Poetics of Social Movements.

By rejecting elitist identity politics in favor of a constructive politics of radical solidarity, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò advances the possibility of organizing across our differences in the urgent struggle for a better world.

Hear from Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò at the conference, details forthcoming!

An illuminating biography of the bold, principled, and fiercely independent woman who defied convention to make her own mark on the world.

Hear from Barbara Ransby at: Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement.

What fuels and sustains activism and organizing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing? Let This Radicalize You is a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe.

Hear from Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba at: Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care.

A revolutionary collaboration about the world we're living in now, between two of our most important contemporary thinkers, writers and activists.

Hear from Robyn Maynard at: Sex Work, Policing, and Border Abolition.

Mohammed El-Kurd’s debut collection definitively shows that the Palestinian struggle is a revolution, until victory.

Hear from Mohammed El-Kurd at: Justice in Palestine: A Socialist Introduction.

In Border and Rule, one of North America’s foremost thinkers and immigrant rights organizers delivers an unflinching examination of migration as a pillar of global governance and gendered racial class formation.

Hear from Harsha Walia at: Sex Work, Policing, and Border Abolition and Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care.

In this urgent and incisive collection of new interviews bookended by two new essays, Marc Lamont Hill critically examines the “pre-existing conditions” that have led us to this moment of crisis and upheaval, guiding us through both the perils and possibilities, and helping us imagine an abolitionist future.

Hear from Marc Lamont Hill at: Abolition, Ethnic Studies, and Solidarity in the Struggle Toward Education for Liberation.

Curious and searching, these historically informed and hopeful essays are as engaging as they are challenging and as urgent as they are timeless. Taylor's unique philosophical style has a political edge that speaks directly to the growing conviction that a radical transformation of our economy and society is required.

Hear from Astra Taylor at: The Political Economy of Debt and Debtor Organizing and The Dig LIVE: Organizing and Socialist Strategy.

FORTHCOMING: pre-order here. An eye-opening reckoning with the care economy, from its roots in racial capitalism to its exponential growth as a new site of profit and extraction.

Hear from Premilla Nadasen at: Care: The Highest Stage of Capitalism.

The people of Brazil celebrated when they learned that in the space of two years their country would host the world's two largest sporting events: the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016. Then they protested in numbers the country hadn't seen in decades.

Hear from Dave Zirin at: Sports in a Socialist Society.

This timely and urgent book shows how a youth-led political movement has emerged in recent years to challenge the bipartisan consensus on punishment and looks to the future through a redistributive, queer, and feminist lens. 

Hear from Donna Murch at: Racial Capitalism and Black Working Class History of the Long 1980s and Beyond and Battleground Higher Ed: Strikes and Labor Organizing at Universities.

This book critically considers Walter Rodney's contribution to Marxist theory and history, his relationship to dependency theory and the contemporary significance of his work in the context of movements and politics today. The first full-length study of Rodney’s life, this book is an essential introduction to Rodney's work.

Hear from Leo Zeilig at: Walter Rodney: A Revolutionary for Our Time.

In these incisive essays, art critic Ben Davis makes sense of our extreme present as an emerging "after-culture"—a culture whose forms and functions are being radically reshaped by cataclysmic events.

Hear from Ben Davis at: A.I. and Creative Labor.

As isolated individuals, debtors have little influence. But as a bloc, we can leverage our debts and devise new tactics to challenge the corporate creditor class and help win reparative, universal public goods.

Hear from the Debt Collective at: The Political Economy of Debt and Debtor Organizing and Debtors of the World, Unite! The Strength and Potential of Debtors' Assemblies.

Black Lives Matter at School succinctly generalizes lessons from successful challenges to institutional racism that have been won through the Black Lives Matter at School movement.

Hear from Jesse Hagopian at: Freedom to Learn: Black and Asian American Solidarity Against Attacks on Antiracist Education.

A Marxist Education challenges the idea that Marxism is Eurocentric, reclaims noted educators such as Lev Vygotsky and Paulo Freire as part of the socialist tradition, and integrates anti-racist and feminist struggle into an analyses of education, consciousness, and power.

Hear from Wayne Au at: Freedom to Learn: Black and Asian American Solidarity Against Attacks on Antiracist Education.

Once home to the United States's largest plutonium production site, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state is laced with 56 million gallons of radioactive waste. The threat of an explosive accident at Hanford is all too real—an event that could be more catastrophic than Chernobyl.

Hear from Joshua Frank at: Abolition and the Nuclear Age.

An urgent and accessible analysis of the key structures of state violence in our world today, and a clarion call to action for their abolition.

Hear from Ray Acheson at: Abolition and the Nuclear Age.

In this groundbreaking study David McNally reveals the true story of money’s origins and development as one of violence and human bondage.

Hear from David McNally at: Global Crises and Global Revolts: Feminist Insurgencies and Anti-Racist Class Struggle.

Palestine: A Socialist Introduction systematically tackles a number of important aspects of the Palestinian struggle for liberation, contextualizing it in an increasingly polarized world and offering a socialist perspective on how full liberation can be won.

Hear from Palestine: A Socialist Introduction co-editor, Sumaya Awad, at Justice in Palestine: A Socialist Introduction and When Millions Move With Us: Mainstreaming Palestine Solidarity.

Hear from Palestine: A Socialist Introduction co-editor, brian bean, at: The Abolitionist International.

Hear from contributor Shireen Akram-Boshar at: Global Crises and Global Revolts: Feminist Insurgencies and Anti-Racist Class Struggle.

A manifesto for movement-makers in extraordinary times, Demand the Impossible! urges us to imagine a world beyond what this rotten system would have us believe is possible.

Hear from Bill Ayers at: Divesting from Despair: Building a Liberatory Movement Media Ecosystem.

A sharp, funny, and engaging introduction to socialist ideas, movements, and solutions for a world in crisis—now with 50% more socialism!

Hear from Danny Katch at: How Do We Imagine Socialism?

Journalist Brendan O’Connor investigates the recent history and politics of U.S. nativism, from the dark money-funded think tanks to the militant reactionaries doing battle with antifascists in the streets, demonstrating that a new ideology is emerging—“border fascism”—that any movement for working class liberation will need to reckon with in the struggles to come. 

Hear from Brendan O’Connor at: The Far Right, Border Abolition, and Anti-Fascism in Crisis.

This book surveys revolutionary socialist ideas and engages a gallery of contentious political thinkers, offering an indispensable assessment of the place of revolutionary collectives in this radical tradition.

Hear from Paul Le Blanc at: Lenin: Catastrophe and Revolution.

A piercing historical explanation of poverty and inequality in African societies today and the social impact of resource-driven growth, Extracting Profit explains why Africa, in the first decade and a half of the twenty-first century, has undergone an economic boom.

Hear from Lee Wengraf at: Imperialism & Anti-Imperialism.

Turning conventional wisdom on its head, When Workers Shot Back argues that the escalation of working-class conflict drives rather than reacts to the consolidation and reorganisation of capital and economic and political reform of the state. 

Hear from Robert Ovetz at: Rebels for the System: Resisting the NGOization of our Movements.

Unable to analyze the dynamics of specific forms of social labour in the antebellum U.S., most historians of the US Civil War have ignored its deep social roots. To search out these roots, Charlie Post applies the theoretical insights from the transition debates to the historical literature on the U.S. to produce a new analysis of the origins of American capitalism.

Hear from Charlie Post at: Why Capitalism Fails: Marxist Crisis Theory.

Check out the full conference schedule and register today!
