Books for changing the world

Black History Book Bundle

In the context of ongoing attacks on the freedom to read—in Florida and across the country—it is more important than ever to place the study of Black history and politics at the center of our collective political education. In support of that effort, we’ve put together this book bundle of key titles on Black radicalism.

The Black History Book Bundle includes Angela Y. Davis’ classic Autobiography, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s indispensable analysis of the Black Lives Matter movement, Donna Murch’s incisive collecton of essays about the Black freedom struggle, Gary Younge’s accessible account of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, and Dan Georgakas and Marvin Surkin’s crucial study of two key workers’ organizations.

Get all five books for $55 until the end of February!

Black History Book Bundle

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For further reading, check out Defend Black History: A Reading List.

We’ve also made three ebooks free to download, and are raising funds to help us send hundreds of free books to young people in Florida.

