Archive of Haymarket Books
Neil Davidson: 1957–2020
Haymarket Books are deeply saddened by the death of Neil Davidson, one of the most important Marxist thinkers of his generation, a true working class intellectual, and a socialist who fought with extraordinary energy for a better world. Here, we gather a selection of tributes.
"Choice" and Coronavirus Capitalism
An excerpt from Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism, a book which explores the history and common usage of major terms in the everyday language of capitalism.
Propaganda and the Public Mind: A Reading List
A reading list of books dealing with media, ideology, cultural institutions, and the forces in our society that shape the way we see ourselves and the world.
MAYDAY MAYDAY: A Homemade Poetry Reading
A May Day poetry reading dedicated to essential/frontline workers, hosted by Aja Monet.
System in Crisis: A Working-Class Vision for the Future
Leading labor voices Sara Nelson, Stacy Davis Gates and Sarah Jaffe discuss how we can build a radical working class response to the current crisis.