Archive of Haymarket Books
Quick Reads for Quarantine
A list of our favorite quick reads, all under 200 pages, perfect for those with little free time but plentry of interest in radical ideas.
Economics for the 99%: A Reading List
A reading list of books dealing with economic theory and history geared toward anyone interested in understanding how capitalism works—in order to replace it. All of these books are currently 30% Off.
Beyond Bernie: The Socialist Challenge Today
An excerpt from the newly updated and expanded US edition of The Socialist Challenge Today: Syriza, Corbyn, Sanders, which offers socialists and other leftists an essential basis for reflection, assessment, and debate about how to achieve transformative change.
The New Authoritarians vs. COVID-19
An excerpt from David Renton's The New Authoritarians, a guide to understanding and combatting the rise of the right across the world.
Karl Marx Was Right: A Reading List
Marx's writing has helped inspire revolutions, rebellions, and struggle all over the world; we could use a little bit of that inspiration now. We’ve put together this Marx and Marxism reading list to help that effort. All of these books are currently 30% Off.