Books for changing the world
Book cover for Marx Matters
Book cover for Marx Matters
Marx Matters

Choice Award Outstanding Academic Title 2022

Despite being repeatedly declared out of touch and outdated, Karl Marx's ideas have never mattered more.

Marx Matters is an examination of how Marx remains more relevant than ever in dealing with contemporary crises. This volume explores how technical dimensions of a Marxian analysis remain relevant to our understanding of inequality, of exploitation and oppression, and of financialization in the age of global capitalism. Contributors to this important volume track Marx in promoting emancipatory practices in Latin America, tackle how Marx informs issues of race and gender, explore current social movements and the populist turn, and demonstrate how Marx can guide strategies to deal with the existential environmental crises of the day.

Marx matters because Marx still provides the best analysis of capitalism as a system, and his ideas still point to how society can organize for a better world.

Contributors are: Jose Bell Lara, Ashley J. Bohrer, Tom Brass, Rose M. Brewer, William K. Carroll, Penelope Ciancanelli, Raju J. Das, Ricardo A. Dello Buono, David Fasenfest, Ben Fine, Lauren Langman, Alfredo Saad-Filho, Vishwas Satgar, and William K. Tabb.


Other books edited by David Fasenfest