Books for changing the world
Book cover for Marx's Scientific Dialectics
Book cover for Marx's Scientific Dialectics
Marx's Scientific Dialectics
A Methodological Treatise for a New Century

While Karl Marx's ideas remain influential in the social sciences, there is considerable disagreement and debate on the methodological principles that inform his work. Marx often aligned himself with both "scientific" and "dialectical" principles, at least once referring to his method as a "scientific dialectic," suggesting he believed dialectical reason could be incorporated into scientific method. By debunking several misconceptions about Marx’s work and examining how he brought scientific methods to bear on his general sociological thinking, his materialist historical perspective, and within his political economy, this book brings new insight to the methodological principles that animate Marx’s writings. What emerges from such a perspective is an approach to sociological inquiry that remains vital and useful for contemporary research on capitalist society and its possible futures.

Paul B. Paolucci, Ph.D. (2001) in Sociology from the University of Kentucky, is Associate Professor of Sociology at Eastern Kentucky University. He has published articles on dialectical methods, political economy, sociological theory, US foreign policy, humor, and race relations. Paolucci is also the winner of the Best Book Prize for 2009 by the Marxist Section of the American Sociological Association.


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