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Book cover for Covert Racism
Book cover for Covert Racism
Covert Racism
Theories, Institutions, and Experiences
Covert racism, subtle in application, often appears hidden by norms of association, affiliation, group membership and/or identity. As such, covert racism is often excused or confused with mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion, ritual and ceremony, acceptance and rejection. Covert racism operates as a boundary keeping mechanism whose primary purpose is to maintain social distance between racial majorities and racial minorities

  • "A half century after the civil rights movement succeeded in putting to an end the most overt forms of racial oppression characteristic of the Jim Crow era, coming to terms with how to characterize the nature of the nation's post-civil-rights era racial formation has been an enduring focus of both academics and the public at large. This is a useful one-stop guide devoted to explaining how, to borrow from Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, “racism without racists' works. Summing Up: Recommended. All levels/libraries."

  • "A half century after the civil rights movement succeeded in putting to an end the most overt forms of racial oppression characteristic of the Jim Crow era, coming to terms with how to characterize the nature of the nation's post-civil-rights era racial formation has been an enduring focus of both academics and the public at large. This is a useful one-stop guide devoted to explaining how, to borrow from Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, racism without racists' works. Summing Up: Recommended. All levels/libraries."

Other books edited by Rodney D. Coates