Socialism & Marxism
by Michael Löwy -
Rosa Luxemburg: The Incendiary Spark
by Michael Löwy -
The Essential Rosa Luxemburg
The Case for Socialism (Updated Edition)
by Alan Maass -
Revolutionary Democracy
by Soma Marik -
C. L. R. James and Revolutionary Marxism
Edited by Paul Le Blanc and Scott McLemee -
A Spectre, Haunting
Marxism and the Party
What is the Real Marxist Tradition?
Breaking the Impasse
by Kim Moody -
Assata Taught Me
by Donna Murch -
Revolution and Counterrevolution
by Kevin Murphy -
War on War
Writing Red
Edited by Charlotte Nekola and Paula Rabinowitz -
The Ballot, the Streets—or Both
The Socialist Challenge Today
by Sam Gindin and Leo Panitch -
Wilhelm Liebknecht and German Social Democracy
Edited by William A Pelz -
Occupation: Organizer
Struggle Makes Us Human
by Frank Barat and Vijay Prashad -
The Preobrazhensky Papers: Archival Documents and Materials
The Bolsheviks Come to Power
Ten Days that Shook the World
by John Reed -
Theories of Ideology
by Jan Rehmann -
To the Masses
Edited by John Riddell