The Power of Community-Generated Research in our Work for Justice
Join us for a panel discussion with speakers and groups whose deep commitment to work grounded in community, in liberatory processes, and in challenging injustice at its core, are deeply inspiring and so relevant for this moment. Speakers will share their wisdom, experience, and analysis as we think together about the ways that our work for justice is strengthened and deepened by truly embodying a commitment to community-rooted and community-generated processes --and what that looks like in practice.
About the groups:
Makan is a Palestinian-led educational organization based in the UK. Through its knowledge and capacity-building programs, Makan strengthens voices calling for Palestinian rights across the grassroots and advocacy sphere.
Justice For Muslims Collective is a grassroots organization that works to dismantle structural and institutionalized forms of Islamophobia in the greater Washington region through political consciousness and narrative shifting, community organizing and healing justice, and building alliances.
Confronting white supremacy, hegemonic masculinity, heteronormativity, & colonial heritages, the Democratizing Knowledge Project focuses on producing transformative knowledges & collectivities that result in inclusive publics in higher education. Feminist Freedom Warriors (FFW) is a first of its kind digital video archive that uses oral history to document the lives & work of feminist scholar-activists of the later 20th century to today.
PARCEO is a resource and education center, rooted in principles of Participatory Action Research, that partners with community groups & institutions seeking to deepen their work for justice.
Tamara Ben-Halim, co-founder and co-director, Makan
Darakshan Raja, co-director, Justice for Muslims Collective
Chandra Talpade Mohanty and Linda Carty, co-founders Democratizing Knowledge & Feminist Freedom Warriors
Nina Mehta, co-director, PARCEO (Moderator)
Feminist Freedom Warriors
Edited by Linda E. Carty and Chandra Talpade Mohanty -
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction
Edited by Sumaya Awad and brian bean -
We Do This 'Til We Free Us
by Mariame Kaba -
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
How We Get Free
Edited by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor