Imperialism & War
Empires and Walls
The End of Imagination
European Bloc Imperialism
Extractive Imperialism in the Americas
by James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer -
Fateful Triangle
by Noam Chomsky -
The Forging of the American Empire
by Sidney Lens -
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
Friendly Fire
Hopes and Prospects
by Noam Chomsky -
Illegitimate Authority
by Noam Chomsky and C.J. Polychroniou -
Imperialism and War
by Nikolai Bukharin and V. I. Lenin -
Imperialism, Crisis and Class Struggle
Imperialism, Neoliberalism, and Social Struggles in Latin America
Edited by Richard A. Dello Buono and José Bell Lara -
Impossible Revolution
In the Shadows of the American Century
IraqiGirl: Diary of a Teenage Girl in Iraq
by IraqiGirl -
Ireland, Colonialism, and the Unfinished Revolution
by Robbie McVeigh and Bill Rolston -
La Batalla Por el Paraíso
by Naomi Klein -
The Long Honduran Night
by Dana Frank -
Masters of Mankind
by Noam Chomsky -
My Country Is the World
Edited by Luke Stewart -
A Nation Unmade by War
The New Authoritarians
by David Renton